Saturday, February 15, 2020

2020 Caribbean Cruise...Pre-Cruise Days

The Run Florida race crew

Every running cruise we have ever done includes a pre-cruise "warm up" and run, where those who choose to come and meet up ahead of time, get to know each other and run a race together.   Sometimes it is a race that is already happening at the venue, like last year when we ran the Tropical 5k, or the group organizers work with a local group to put on a race just for the Run Florida 5k, 10k and half this year.  But I'm getting ahead of myself....

First we had to get here, which require a trains, planes and automobiles kind of day...

Temperature on departure morning

We started with the Van Galder bus to Chicago...fortunately we timed everything well so that we weren't hanging in the cold tooo long. As we sat on the bus we saw the announcement
for next year's Caribbean Cruise (and oddly started planning our I'm guessing we will be doing that too). 

In due time we arrived at O'Hare and our flight to Ft. Lauderdale was thankfully uneventful, as was the cab ride to our hotel.  

Once here we checked in and took a peek out the window.  

It looked something like this :)

We checked in checked in and got our race shirts, bibs and beach towel, as well as our trip packet.  We also saw John, Jenny, Cathy and Pam and some fellow cruisers.  It has been like old home week...seeing not only the crew, but many people we have cruised with before.  It's like meeting up with your second family. 
Fun race number...yay alphabetical order!

Race morning started early as we had to meet up with the group to walk to the race start at 6:30 a.m. There are about 120 in our group, but only about 50 came in early to do one of the three distances.  I did the 5k, and Glenda did the Half marathon. 

In following our personal tradition we were dressed in outfits we referred to as "tutu tropical." 

Our tropical tutus were festooned with iridescent parrots

We have fun outfits/costumes for each of the 5 races during this trip. 

The 5k and 10k courses were out and back, while the half did multiple out and we got to to see everyone.  And it was along the beach, so there were great views as well. 

Overcast, but warm and humid (80 degrees warmer than the day we left Wisconsin)

I thought this window on the beach was kind of neat

I broke the tape at the finish (everyone did, it was one of the perks of the small race) solidly mid-pack on the 5k and got my medal from John Bingham himself. 

The race medal

I got water and a banana and settled in to people watch and wait for Glenda to finish the half.  I had tucked my little Canon PowerShot camera in my skirt pocket and decided to take some photos while I was sitting on the wall waiting and chatting with other folks.  Got some photos of fellow runners, as well as just some "atmosphere."
Coach Jenny chats with runners at the finish area

Glenda finishes the half marathon first OVERALL

Once Glenda had smoked the competition and come in first in the half, we hung out for awhile before heading back.  

I would be remiss if I did not take a moment here to give a shout out to Team in Training who worked with Jenny and John to make our race happen.  They did an absolutely outstanding job, from the friendly volunteers to the post race snacks, to the ice cold water and gatorade at the water stops.  The race was a joy. 

We had to make a little tourist stop on the way back to the hotel...

Glenda is ladylike in the big beach chair

I'm a little more Edith Ann (with apologies to Lily Tomlin)

The day became blustery and rainy, so we spent most of  the rest of the day indoors, eating, watching  basketball and just generally chilling (it is a vacation after all). 

There was a celebratory seafood lunch

The day ended with a welcome reception where we got to meet more of our cruise mates, Glenda got her award for winning the race and there were greetings and announcements....
And a bit of libation

Tomorrow we board the ship for more shenanigans...

Glenda says this pic looks like I'm ready for those shenanigans

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