If you know Glenda and I, you know we travel a lot. This year we have several special trips coming up. In this blog, I am going to talk a little about our preparation for these trips...and with your indulgence, I plan to blog each of these trips, to share the fun!
Trip #1 Caribbean Running Cruise--We run the world!
Last year's running crew
That means I'm working to finish the last bits of our costumes, finish all the stuff that needs to be done around here, sneak in a visit with my daughter and a bit of time with the granddaughters, pack, and get to Florida. It is always a bit stressful, but worth it once we board the ship. Watch this blog for a blog of the trip.
This is last year's trip. We are on Allure of the Seas this year.
Trip #2 Marathoning (and Spectating in London in April)
One of our last London trips was when Glenda did ITU World's there...this time it will be the London Marathon
Early last year, Glenda entered a lottery for the London Marathon through Marathon Tours marathon majors group. Much to our surprise she got in! This will be the 4th of the 6 majors for her. For those who do not know, that includes Boston, Chicago, New York, London, Berlin and Tokyo. She has done all 3 U.S. races. I will be spectating and enjoying London (and doing a Park Run 5k)...and after the marathon, we are taking a side trip to Liverpool and Wales, parts of the U.K. where we haven't yet been
Trip #3 ITU Worlds....Edmonton here we come!
Glenda has done ITU Worlds several times, this photo is the first time in Perth, Australia 2009.
Last August Glenda competed in USAT Nationals in Cleveland. She was mostly doing longer races (70.3) last year...but decided to fill in with the Olympic distance at Nationals since she was eligible for an invitation and had not done Nationals in a few years. Lo and Behold she placed in the top 10 of her age group, earning a slot in International Triathlon Union Worlds in Edmonton this coming August. When you earn a slot, you kinda want to go. Often there is a friends and family race (usually a 5k), but if not, I'm confident that I will find a race to do nearby...and of course I'll cheer Glenda!
Trip #4 Giving thanks for 70.3 Worlds in Taupo, New Zealand
This was pretty unexpected
The place where the race will be
We knew London was possible, though we were a bit surprised. And ITU Worlds Glenda has done before...so that wasn't a complete shock. But when we were on our way to Traverse City for Glenda's 70.3 last year, we were actually laughing and joking about "what if" she qualified for 70.3 Worlds. You don't know ahead of time how high you have to place in your age group (depends on the size of the group among other things...each age group gets 1-4 entries, and there is a possibility for roll down slots), and placing high in a 70.3 was not something that was on Glenda's radar. She just wanted to race well. And she definitely accomplished that! Placed second in her age group. So we went to the awards ceremony where they announce the slots for Worlds. We were still joking around...probably only one slot in her group...but then if #1 didn't want the slot, it could roll down to Glenda. Hmmm....
We then checked the listing of the number of slots per age group that had been posted. Women 50-54? TWO slots! She had qualified outright! Now Ironman expects you to commit to your slot immediately, so we had to decide...in? not in? In a surreal moment, they announced her slot and she shouted...I'M IN! And there it was...we are spending Thanksgiving this year in Taupo, New Zealand.
So we are going places..some of which we never expected to be going to...and I am going to share pictures and stories of these trips in this blog as we travel...hoping to share the excitement.
And now, I suppose I'd better finish packing.
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